How to Keep Debt Low When You Work on Your Own

When you work on your own, it’s hard to ignore the financial challenges that come along with it- especially when you’re just starting out. There are currently millions of Americans who work for themselves, and many of them find themselves in debt without a safety net. Not only is this an uncomfortable situation, but it can […]

What Successful People Do That You Aren’t

Ever wonder why success isn’t beating down your door? Don’t just chalk it up to bad luck. Even if it seems that some individuals may have been dealt an amazing hand in life, the truth is the vast majority of successful people became that way because they wanted it, worked for it, and throughout it […]

7 Unique CrowdFunding Sites You Don’t Know About

Ever since the concept of crowdfunding began to gain momentum three years ago, there has been no shortage of crowdfunding platforms matching individual investors with those looking to raise money for their projects and causes. But, a few of these solutions have got some pretty creative and promising angles, and they pose a serious threat […]